Koy Vanna

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Posted by: | Posted on: June 26, 2013

Songs and the Politics in Cambodia part II

koy vannaSongs have been traditionally used by politicians to describe their personality, their policy, election campaign and to advertise their organization. Hence, Khmer patriotic songs or ចំរៀងស្នេហាជាតិ Chomrieng Snaeh Haa Jeat Khmers had been mainly advocated to oppose the intrusion of foreigners in the past. But now many patriotic songs are describing the injustice happening in society, unequal development and social gap, reprimanding the dictatorship style and promoting democracy etc.

In here, I have found two impressive songs sung by two Khmer singers in which I would like to translate them to share with everyone as following.

1. First and second video clip is the same songs sung by Koy Vanna titled “It is time to wake up all Khmers”.

It’s time now brethren Khmers, don’t be negligent (repeat), because the Khmer nation need need you again (repeat), oh children have you forgotten our history, we must unite to build our Khmer nation to re-survive,…

It’s time now brethren Khmers, if we neglect how could our nation advance? (repeat), our past is glorious (and) Angkor is splendid because (our nation) have united, don’t be drowsy and take excuse, we must safeguard our race and Buddhism, wake up brethren Khmers, near or distance to re-develop our nation (repeat)…

2. This third song is sung by Chan Sokhoeun titled “Khmer must love Khmer”:

Passing several years as Khmers were bitterly suffering, oh all angels have you seen this?, Khmer blood spread all over the earth, no second of having no suffering as it is absolutely relentless, patriotism is the love of power entitlement including gold money dollars, may all Khmer children figure out again, our nation has inherited glory as all mankind they know and praise, all Khmer children you must unite to save our nation, to destroy vicious enemies who are intending to eliminate Khmer nation, stand up to unite and shoulder on time so that Khmer nation can be prosperous,

Patriotism must be honest so that you deserve real reputation and progress can prevail to Khmer children, this time is like other time, our nation needs honest patriotic,

Patriotism must be honest so that you deserve real reputation and progress can prevail to Khmer children, this time is like other time, our nation needs honest patriotic,