Monday, October 27th, 2014

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Posted by: | Posted on: October 27, 2014

Extensive Paris Peace Agreement Analysis by CMN Radio

PPAWhat is the Paris Peace Agreement, its remarkable history, and where is it about?

Mrs. Moeung Tum of CMN Radio discussed in details with the analysis by Sophoan Seng, Dr. Duch Rasy, Dr. Dy Kareth, and Dr. Kuch Chanly. The live broadcasting is from part 1 to part 5 broadcasted on 23-24-25-26-27 October, 2014.

Beside of the 18 signatory countries who were party of the Accord, the present Cambodian government, Republic of Vietnam and Kingdom of Thailand who were party of this agreement have continued to violate this agreement, how are full meaning and stipulations of the Paris Peace Agreement mandated?

Although Paris Peace Agreement is the modern hope for Cambodian people, but the government has not complied by this agreement. Is PPA still valid or invalid? What are gross violations on the Paris Peace Agreement?

These 23 years of the Paris Peace Agreement has remained important for Cambodia at the present and the future especially in term of democratization, sustainable development, rule of laws and sovereignty independence etc.

Last chapter details on what Cambodia can move on, on what principles?