Not just violating the Constitution, abusing power and declaring enemies with his own people, Hun Sen dares to make any concession while in power such as exchange from good to evil by defending and promoting the evils, the thieves and the murderers. A concession to China to freely use Khmer land for military purpose, concession to Vietnam in border demarcation, etc. Hun Sen dare all kinds of concessions to foreign nations and individuals who dare to defend his power during this fragile transitional period.
Sam Rainsy will again stunt the world this November 9, 2019
We remember Sam Rainsy’s homecoming on July 19, 2013, when nearly million of people in Phnom Penh, especially young people, came out to receive and welcome him. The greeting procession was long crowded from the airport to the CNRP headquarters. Observers of the situation observed that his overwhelming popularity at that time was because he was a political figure who has been realistic in bringing real democracy to the Khmer people. And what turned out to be the overwhelming majority of supporters at the time was because the government under Hun Sen had been constantly harassing him especially through the court orders. Cambodia courts have had bad reputation in its profession. Among those court orders, charging against Sam Rainsy of removing border posts and accusing him of damaging the Cambodian government’s friendship with Vietnam were the ignition leaded to such people tsunami gathering.

The events of 9 November 2019 are more logic than 2013. Sam Rainsy’s party’s resignation is seen as his high-paid example and this act aimed to keeping the CNRP life from new amended laws orchestrated by Hun Sen. But the arrest of Kem Sokha, the successor of the party, dissolving the party prior the convicting and prosecuting Kem Sokha, further upset more than three million members who voted for CNRP.
Sam Rainsy’s repatriation as CNRP’s acting president and return to the country to save the party is something that over 3 million party’s supporters cannot stay silence.
Hun Sen, on the other hand, observers of the situation have seen much of the wrongdoing as a result of conceit and delusion allowing himself drunken in endless thirst for power. Instead of acknowledging the reality of the dwindling popularity under his leadership for more than 30 years, declaring himself to retire or taking a rest from politics as a statesman, Hun Sen has resorted to vengeance with his own people. Nearly half of the kingdom population who voted for the CNRP, Hun Sen ordered to arrest their leader, detained on false charges, dissolving the party without conducting credible judicial procedure. Judgment of the Supreme Court without any real legal basis and the stealing of the 55 Assembly seats as well as the 5007 commune councillors directly voted by the people is a gross political authoritarianism.
Not just violating the Constitution, abusing power and declaring enemies with his own people, Hun Sen dares to make any concession while in power such as exchange from good to evil by defending and promoting the evils, the thieves and the murderers. A concession to China to freely use Khmer land for military purpose, concession to Vietnam in border demarcation, etc. Hun Sen dare all kinds of concessions to foreign nations and individuals who dare to defend his power during this fragile transitional period.
By jumping into boiling water of Hun Sen, Sam Rainsy declares the use of people power and mobilizes genuine patriots in the ruling CPP who has already disliked Hun Sen, as well as to free the King from Hun Sen’s hand, liberate Cambodia from China – Vietnam, defend the EBA and GST and to strengthen the rule of law as well as democracy in accordance with the Constitution and the Paris Peace Agreement. Today, under pressure from the people, the United Kingdom and the international community, China-Vietnam can give up Hun Sen after they have received Hun Sen’s concession and they do not want to face with Khmer people and the international community.