Talking on live show of Youth Voice for Justice of CNRP America, Mr. Sophoan adamantly articulated the viable plan returning back to Cambodia of CNRP leadership led by Mu Sochua as it is a mature political attitude responding to the court’s summons.
- Legally speaking, the repatriation plan is purely to fight with the accusation of the Phnom Penh municipal Court summoned by deputy prosecutor Seng Heang. The accusation is bogus “plotting” to commit treason and “incitement” to commit a felony which are a serious crime without bleeding or hurting anybody physically and mentally at all. The accusation is politically motivated. The due process is non-existent as en mass trial was created by improper en mass name listing all together to attest to a public building. The court proceeding is set up to denounce all justice attempts because the defendants are not allowed to having sufficient time to prepare themselves at all including seeking or exercising rights to obtaining legal counsel or attorney. While the initial accusation is high the chance of trial in absentia is pretty bogus, this returning back to fight the legal accusation is apolitical. And no one can block or ban this physical presenting of the defendants as well as manipulating the court proceeding.
- Political pragmatism has been visibly emerging among Cambodian people and their leaders. Court proceedings are considered the most safety net of social reform and social order revitalization although it is a bad court or a good court. When a society is at war, the brave men and women are needed to carry gun; but when a society is at peace, the brave men and women are needed to carry pen and paper. The court of Cambodia has been notoriously known for its “travesty of justice”. Many men and women have already been thrown in jail because of this bad court practice, and the sacrifices of those men and women shall deepen a new successful chapter of history of Cambodia. The grand policy to walk into the court room in order to restructure, repaint, restore human resource and refinance it, is very pragmatic and optimistic.