Election Violence

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Posted by: | Posted on: October 28, 2015

Animals also hate violence

violence 2នយោប្រទេសកម្ពុជាត្រូវគេសំគាល់ឃេីញពោរពេញដោយអំពេីហឹង្សា។ ឬសគល់នៃអាកប្បកិរិយាហឹង្សានេះគឺមានដូចតទៅនេះ

១ វឌ្ឍចក្រនៃអំពេីហឹង្សាបណ្តាលមកពីអំពេីហឹង្សាក្នុងគ្រួសារ គឺឪពុកម្តាយចិញ្ចឹមកូនតាមទ្រឹស្តីអំណាចពីលេីចុះក្រោម ហេីយផ្សារភ្ជាប់យ៉ាងមាំដោយរោគសញ្ញាផ្តាច់ការ។

២ វឌ្ឍចក្រនៃអំពេីហឹង្សាបណ្តាលមកពីមរតកសង្គមកម្ពុជា គឺអ្នកប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តបានសរុបព្រមគ្នាថានយោបាយកម្ពុជាគឺជានយោបាយហឹង្សា។

យ៉ាងណាក៏ដោយ ការណែនាំនូវជំរេីសថ្មីរបស់គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិនូវអហឹង្សានិងមូលមតិគ្នាបានឆ្លុះបញ្ចាំងទឡ្ហីករពីដៃគូររបស់ខ្លួនដែលកំពុងជោគជាំដោយកេរ្តិ័តំណែលនៃអាកប្បកិរិយាហឹង្សាដែលពិបាកលាងជំរះបាន។

វីដេអូនេះកំពុងបង្ហាញពីយុគទាន់សម័យ ដែលមិនមែនតែមនុស្សទេដែលបានរំដោះខ្លួនចេញផុតពីហឹង្សា សត្វសុនខទាំងនោះក៏បានចេះពីភាពជាមិត្ត អហឹង្សា និងសាមគ្គីភាពជាមួយសត្វមានជីវិតទាំងអស់នៅក្នុងលោក។ ជោគវាសនារបស់ស្រ្តីនោះមិនខុសពីមេដឹកនាំកម្ពុជាដែលកំពុងកាន់អំណាចទេ គឺពួកគេស្អិតជាប់ទៅដោយចិត្តគំនិតឬកោលិកាឈាមហឹង្សា។

តេីនៅពេលណាកម្ពុជានឹងទទួលបាន ការកាត់ផ្តាច់វឌ្ឍចក្រហឹង្សា?

Cambodia politics has been remarked by “violence”. The root causes of this violence-oriented behavior are following:
Violence 11. Cycle violence from domestic violence: parents have raised children through vertical approach and strongly embedded by violence syndromes.
2. Cycle of violence from social inheritance of Cambodia: historians have spontaneously concluded that Cambodia politics is the Politics of Violence.

Hence, the introduction of new approach by the CNRP to non-violence and solidarity has clearly contrasted its partner who has unobstructively inherited the violent political behavior.

This video is illustrating that modern era, not only human beings who are freed from violence, those dogs are learnt to be friendly, non-violent and united among all beings in this world. The woman’s destiny is not different from incumbent Cambodia leaders who are embedded by the violence mindset/stemcell.

When will Cambodia receive “Breaking Cycle of Violence”?

Posted by: | Posted on: July 25, 2013

Election Watch: Violence in the Election


A CNRP’s youth was hit by CPP’s youth
Photo courtesy: Facebook

response to clip

Messages to all TV channels and Radios which are attacking Khmer youth.
Messages are concerning on violence should not be incited between Khmers and Khmers. If violence occurs, foreigner has always taken advantage. All Khmers must wake up for a great unification as a Khmer family. Message advised all youth to conduct professionally, non-violence and stay in unity.
Photo courtesy: Facebook

After Aja A’s comment on violence and military coup will happen if the CNRP won the election, NEC has taken a historical action to order shutting down this radio channel. But civil societies are eager to see official confirmation from top officials of military and police department to this incitement comment. Aja A or Seng Bunveng’s comment is seen as intimidation during this election season.

However, it has become heating debate and sharing on facebook right now after CTN aired a video clip made by cutting from different sources accusing the CNRP’s supporters and youth as immature, bad behaviour and gangster. The clip televised throughout the country and ended by a song praising the CPP.

NEC must also take action on this airing clip whose content is considered causing hatred among political supporters. It is likely an incitement. After the airing many violences happened.

This is the clip aired by CTN accusing CNRP’s supporters are racist, disorganized, particularly young supporters (youth) are like gangster.

This is the clip of the so-called CPP’s young supporters are stoning at the CNRP’s young supporters. Many surrounding people tried to stop them.

This is a clip of another man who was bleeding on his head.