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Search Term: victimize

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Is this the act of victims are victimized?

Dear Respectful Members,

This thread is to express my deep sorry and frustration that because of what I mentioned about “PM Hun Sen didn’t appear in the group photo because he said he was at the toilet?” that made Louk Pu BA faced removing from the Campro group (link 1, link 2). Whatever reasons his removal is referred to, I think that, this action is just a paralleled “victims are victimized” conduction in Cambodia society.

Eisenhower wordObserving from those most fundamental activities to the most essential practises on national stage, they are showing us (the underdogs) the path to its evilization that we should shoulder to deevilize them, if possible. Parents have victimized their children by just their excuse “I am your father/mother”, neighbours have victimized children through their funny bullying behaviours, and state leaders have used laws for their advantage to suppress the victims of land grabs and incompetence of the courts and dissents etc.
With the below attached threads, we might get some more info on what Pu BA is facing. He emailed me privately to anticipate my claims of PM Hun Sen was busy in toilet allowing the eminent leaders of Australia-ASEAN took group photo without him. I think Pu BA is among those Cambodian-Australians who were affected by the outrageous life threatening by PM Hun Sen’s public speech. Some sarcastic words of Pu BA towards PM Hun Sen is not been comparable to what PM Hun Sen has used state’s medium to denounce, to scold, to threat, and to anticipate grip of intimidation towards those dissents against him, at all.
I have always described the “victims are victimized” as a social failure in Cambodia. This activity has run underneath social fabric and caused our future short and FB_IMG_1521561535184unsustainable. Once, the conviction was laid that “While the Western countries believe in giving space and liberty to their citizens to bravely speak up their voice and fully engage in social development in the hope of long term survival of their motherland, Cambodia is in dichotomous effort by the government. This historical and remarkable contrast has happened since Cambodian people protest against the additional border treaty with Vietnam in 2005, many of them were arrested and jailed, once Prime Minister Hun Sen promised to make coffins for those who dare to claim back Khmer Krom lost land for Cambodia, and with many other occasions including banning Alex from his campaign to protect the Cambodia forests, is seen as an attempt to threat those bottom line people activism who are working to protect their lands and forests and to open way or encourage the wrong doers such as land grab activities, deforestation and logging, and forced eviction etc. to continue their wrong deeds without obstacles” (original link).
As some of the members said, in our discussion group, there are variety of speeches, sarcasms, threats(sic), and harsh exchanges etc. but at thHun Sen at Sydney alone alwayse end, this is how the wise have learnt to accept, to tolerate, and to exchange knowledge within a healthy multi-cultural setting. Some regulations and rules are good in producing healthy multi-cultural society, but some are just tools for the controllers to exercise their own biased territory. So let be frank in ourselves and treat things fairly and credibly.
I would like to plea Louk Sophal to explain more reasons to deleting/removing Pu BA from the group. With two warnings will become completely removing is still redundant. This practice has placed all other members at stake and reduced the quality of goals and definition and mission statement set within Campro by all members. Pou BA should be asked for his volunteering stance of view rather than being dictated towards him. And he should be reinstated.
Thank you very much for your kind consideration.

Letter: Candlelight Arrest Is a ‘Joke’

Letter: Candlelight Arrest Is a ‘Joke’

Nhim Sarom (Candlelight Party’s Facebook page)

Nhim Sarom (Candlelight Party’s Facebook page)🔊 Listen to this

Regarding “Candlelight Commune Chief-Elect Arrested for 2002 Robbery Case,” it is a joke for the Kampong Thom Provincial Court to have handcuffed Nhim Sarom, Candlelight Party commune chief-elect of Chamna Loeu commune. The use of a court warrant dated 10 years ago is the mark of a Kangaroo Court that ignores due process and pursues a predetermined conclusion, or of double standards where rules and laws are unfairly applied in different ways to different people. Legally speaking, the court in Cambodia has been notoriously accumulating distrust among Cambodian citizens. Politically speaking, the election is just a theater as the voice of the voters has never been respected.

This arrest is another testament to the incapability of the court and law enforcement in Cambodia. With prejudice and political partisanship, opposition dissidents are victimized, and they are found to be the wrongdoers in most legal and political cases. Can you imagine a society where good people are forced to be bad, and bad people are transformed to be good?

Sophoan Seng

President, Committee for Election Right of Overseas Cambodians

អានអត្ថបទ​រឿង «មេឃុំ​ភ្លើង​ទៀន ត្រូវ​បាន​ចាប់​ខ្លួន​ពី​ករណី​ប្លន់​ឆ្នាំ ២០០២» ជា​រឿង​កំប្លែង​សម្រាប់​សាលា​ដំបូង​ខេត្ត​កំពង់ធំ ដែល​បាន​ដាក់​ខ្នោះ​ដៃ​លោក ញឹម សារ៉ុម មេ​ឃុំ​គណបក្សភ្លើងទៀននៃ​ឃុំ​ចំណារលើ។ ការប្រើប្រាស់ដីការបស់តុលាការចុះកាលបរិច្ឆេទកាលពី 10 ឆ្នាំមុន គឺជាសញ្ញាសម្គាល់របស់តុលាការសត្វកាំងហ្គារូ (Kangaroo Court)ដែលមានន័យថាមិនអើពើនឹងដំណើរការត្រឹមត្រូវ និងធ្វើការសំរេចសេចក្តីកាត់ទោសនរណាម្នាក់ទៅតាមអ្វីដែលបានកំណត់ទុកជាមុន ឬតុលាការស្តង់ដារពីរ(double standard)ដែលមានន័យថាច្បាប់ និងនីតិក្រមត្រូវបានអនុវត្តដោយអយុត្តិធម៌ក្នុងវិធីផ្សេងគ្នាចំពោះមនុស្សផ្សេងគ្នា។ និយាយ​តាម​ផ្លូវ​ច្បាប់ តុលាការ​នៅ​កម្ពុជា​បាន​នឹង​កំពុង​ប្រមូល​ផ្ដុំ​ការ​មិន​ទុក​ចិត្ត​ពីប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ​កម្ពុជា​យ៉ាង​អសោច។ និយាយ​តាម​បែប​នយោបាយ ការបោះឆ្នោត​គ្រាន់តែ​ជា​ល្ខោននយោបាយ​ប៉ុណ្ណោះ​ព្រោះ​សំឡេង​អ្នក​បោះឆ្នោត​មិន​ដែល​ត្រូវ​បាន​គេ​គោរពទេ។

ការចាប់ខ្លួននេះ គឺជាសក្ខីកម្មមួយទៀត បង្ហាញពីអសមត្ថភាពរបស់តុលាការ និងការអនុវត្តច្បាប់នៅកម្ពុជា។ ជាមួយនឹងការរើសអើង និងការប្រកាន់បក្សពួកផ្នែកនយោបាយ អ្នកប្រឆាំងត្រូវបានរងគ្រោះ ហើយពួកគេត្រូវបានគេរកឃើញថាជាអ្នកប្រព្រឹត្តខុសនៅក្នុងសំណុំរឿងផ្លូវច្បាប់ និងនយោបាយ ភាគច្រើន។ តើ​អ្នក​អាច​ស្រមើស្រមៃ៉​ឃើញសង្គម​មួយនេះនឹងទៅជាយ៉ាងណានៅពេល​ដែល​មនុស្ស​ល្អ​ត្រូវ​បាន​បង្ខំ​ឱ្យ​ហៅថាជាមនុស្សអាក្រក់ ហើយ​មនុស្ស​អាក្រក់​ត្រូវ​បាន​បំលែងអោយ​ទៅ​ជាមនុស្ស​ល្អ​?

លោកសេង សុភ័ណ

ប្រធាន គណៈកម្មាធិការដើម្បីសិទ្ធិបោះឆ្នោតរបស់ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរនៅក្រៅប្រទេស

National Assembly seat reallocation floated on Fresh News

Now, it has come to the critical questions: 1. The Fresh News has always released news to open way for action (messenger to those unheard members?, or 2. Fresh News got information from internal action plan and has tried to test the water?

At the end, it is the rice has become a cooked rice (អង្ករក្លាយជាបាយ): step forward face the crocodile, step backwards face the tiger….it is all about the one person who are working to change the credible rule of the game (game changer) to fit his ambition.
In this moment, the victimized partner is silent which means allow the cruise to slip through its path without obstructing while enjoy the bigger space from cruise territory.
The critical question right now is not about plundering the fruits to own themselves or to distribute to others who have effortless grown the tree, the critical question is about the legitimate government to do such daylight plundering, and the legitimate government given birth from a legitimate election.
Khmer proverb say “the bigger balloon, the bigger perilous exploding” (ពើតប៉ោងកាន់តែធំ កាន់តែបែកខ្សុល)

National Assembly seat reallocation floated on Fresh News

Op-Ed: The Phnom Penh Post

Eisenhower wordAn opinion piece published by government mouthpiece Fresh News suggests, among other things, dissolving the Cambodia National Rescue Party and allocating its National Assembly seats to five minor parties, including Funcinpec, which plans to sue for the dissolution of CNRP.

The piece is the latest in a stream of often anonymous editorials and letters to the editor, which in the recent past have proven prescient during a crackdown on the opposition and media.

The article, under the name Baksey Chamkrong, begins by noting that the CNRP is guilty of “secret plans” of “colour revolution”.

The opposition party’s president, Kem Sokha, was arrested last month on charges of “treason”, and controversial amendments to the Law on Political Parties could allow for the dissolution of the CNRP if he is convicted.

Over the weekend, Funcinpec announced its intention to file a lawsuit to the Supreme Court requesting the CNRP’s disbandment.

“If CNRP is dissolved, then all seats … are divided among parties in the parliament. But because there are only two parties in the parliament, the CPP will get all 123 seats,” wrote Chamkrong, whose pseudonym translates to “Bird Guarding the City”.

Sotheara Yoeurng, legal officer at election watchdog Comfrel, confirmed that under the current law the seats “would be 100 percent allocated to CPP”.“In a real sense of democracy, it would be death,” Yoeurng said.

Deputy CNRP President Mu Sochua said such an outcome would violate the constitution, which describes Cambodia as a “multi-party democracy”.

Human Rights Watch’s Phil Robertson, meanwhile, said, “If the government really plans to dissolve the CNRP then it should just call off the 2018 election and proclaim PM Hun Sen dictator for life.”

Robertson called the article part of a “psychological operations campaign” against the opposition. “One by one, the CPP is whittling down the opposition through a mixture of threats and intimidation designed to stampede them out of the country,” he said via email.

Past Fresh News articles preceded the expulsion of the US-backed National Democratic Institute and the arrest of Sokha, with a parade of posts detailing the alleged involvements of both in anti-government conspiracies and colour revolutions.

In his opinion piece, Chamkrong recommends a compromise allocating seats to minor parties rather than for the CPP to take the entire assembly, following an amendment to the Law on the Election of Members of the National Assembly.

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Reflection on the natural activism “Mother Nature Cambodia”

Weekly Analysis (Third Week of February 2015)

While the Western countries believe in giving space and liberty to their citizens to bravely speak up their voice and fully engage in social development in the hope of long term survival of their motherland, Cambodia is in dichotomous effort by the government. This historical and remarkable contrast has happened since Cambodian people protest against the additional border treaty with Vietnam in 2005, many of them were arrested and jailed, once Prime Minister Hun Sen promised to make coffins for those who dare to claim back Khmer Krom lost land for Cambodia, and with many other occasions including banning Alex from his campaign to protect the Cambodia forests, is seen as an attempt to threat those bottom line people activism who are working to protect their lands and forests and to open way or encourage the wrong doers such as land grab activities, deforestation and logging, and forced eviction etc. to continue their wrong deeds without obstacle.

This week, Cambodia media has been immensely covered by the Cambodian

Courtesy of Mother Nature facebook page

Courtesy of Mother Nature facebook page

government measure to reject visa extension for Alex Gonzalez-Davidson aka Alex to banning him from staying in Cambodia beyond February 20th expiry date. Alex has fallen in love with Cambodia nature particularly in Areng Valley in Koh Kong of South Western Cambodia. He has lived in Cambodia for more than 10 years and he can use Khmer language fluently. From his tangible contact with local communities and his researches in Areng area, he reveled that this more than 500 h. vast dense jungle and prairie are comprising of rare plants, wild life, lakes and brooks, and minority people etc. It has huge potential for eco-system and eco-tourism to generate income rather than to build dam that produces low electricity capacity. More than this, the dam project has likely hidden agenda to cut trees for trade within this vast plentiful green forest. Cambodian people especially youths both inside and outside of Cambodia have come in solidarity to condemn the government for this very unjust, negligible, dis-courageous measure. (watch this video Alex said about his visa denying)

The Cambodia People’s Party (CPP) has emerged the longest controller of power to be able to generate their wealth through lands, rivers, water, air and mountain businesses. Prime Minister Hun Sen and his leadership emerged as anti-capitalism. The CPP was installed by the Vietnam who practiced political dogma and ideology of Marx-Lenin to proliferate the farmers and to downgrade the bourgeois classes, has transformed themselves overnight to generate their personal, family and patrons wealth unbelievably. During this overnight policy changing, Hun Sen family and his political rings members have changed from poor cadres into billionaire capitalists.

The Social Change and Revolution has rested on “Blessed Unrest”

Blessed Unrest is a title of a book written by Paul Hawken. He posed intrigued question on the front cover that “How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming?”.

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CAMBODIA: Time to get to work

CAMBODIA: Time to get to work

October 17, 2013

An article by Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth published by the Asian Human Rights Commission

Gaffar Peang-Meth A. 02The more Hun Sen attempts to ignore grievances of the increasingly vocal cohort of Cambodian voters who allege election irregularities and fraud, the more the emboldened and determined opposition party demands an independent impartial joint CNRP-CPP investigation committee to seek more accurate accounting of ballots cast in the July 28th national election.

A metaphor seems appropriate. Imagine spectators gathering around a glass jar filled with water to watch one of Cambodians’ passtimes, chul trei krem or fish fighting. Two fish swim around, looking for one another’s weak area to attack. Gills open, fins and tails flapping, their scales turn dark colors, the fish seem to contract, poised to attack. Would it be a fight to the death or will an owner interrupt the fight to save his fish for the next fight?

The Cambodians’ political deadlock is a tragedy. There cannot be a winner. Hun Sen and his CPP know, and concerned foreign governments, too, know, the ruling party can in no way continue to govern as a one-party government and a one-party parliament devoid of opposition members who were duly elected by at least half of the country’s voters. Half of the country has openly rejected Hun Sen’s 28 years of autocratic rule and the CPP’s 34 year domination of Cambodian governance. Even many CPP partisans acknowledge that fresh leadership is overdue. In fact, reliable reports assert that increasing numbers of civil servants are unhappy with the status quo and that officers in the armed forces are overtly questioning if they are on the wrong side of history.

Hun Sen and his close associates are vehemently against an investigation committee. His reluctance is suspect if, as Hun Sen asserts, the CPP won the election fairly. Sam Rainsy is on the record as saying he would abide by the findings of a nonpartisan investigating committee.   Would the true reason be that Hun Sen has no intention of ceding power? The aftermath of Cambodia’s recent election has surely made clear that Hun Sen and the CPP are no longer secure nor uncontested as they once were. More Cambodians agree it’s time for change, ph’do.

Hun Sen seems aware of his tenuous hold on power. So, on Sept 26 he spoke at his first new cabinet meeting for more than 6 hours about reforms, addressing corruption, nepotism, the rule of law and other issues. But Cambodians say Hun Sen and the CPP have made many undelivered promises before. Hun Sen’s proposed reforms may come too late.

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Let collectively pray for those residents of Borei Keila who are forcibly evicted

Source: Venerable Luon Sovath Blog

Lord Buddha teaches us to sacrifice materials, relatives, personal organs and including personal life in order to safeguard the Dhamma or the rule of laws or righteousness. In Cambodia, the current flow of her society is in reverse to this teaching. Top leaders and their colleagues seem enjoy personal gains, personal materials, personal relatives and personal power more than any other things. Their gains are at the ridge of greed, hatred and delusion. It is at a clear spot of damaging the Dhamma.

Look at the development project, Boeung Kok lake as well as Borei Keila; the residents who have been living here have continuously received unfair treatment and forcibly evicted. The status of their citizenship and the status of their human dignity have been violently perpetrated by the powerful and the riches. Nonetheless, while winners have obtained all the capacities, the losers and the bottom-line Cambodians, have become the victims. They have been victimized unjustly. Dhamma of Lord Buddha has been twisted and manipulated by the winners and the powerful. The state of the weaks and bottom-line people are visibly placed as the guilty.

Let join together to pray for the well-being and safety of those forcibly evicted residents and their young children.

Image of detaining those people in a place which are not consented by them is the grave violation of human rights.

Image of policemen equipped by guns and buttons viciously forced those innocent residents. Image of policemen kicking that small boy is a grave violation of human rights.